
I think you tube is a great application for the fact that it is fun and easy to upload homemade videos and see what others think about them. Also its fun to just sit down and watch some of the stuff people have come up with.

In school I think youtube can be put to alot of good uses for correlating content from class to other ideas or to review what has already been covered in class. There are alot of good things to be viewed. But there are also alot of bad things that schools need to somehow get around so we can view all the good content out there.



I think that for the most part all these tools (calendar,knol,picasa, and igoogle) could be applicable in a class.

The calendar is just in general a good way to keep a schedule and make people and yourself aware of dates and times coming up.

Knol would be a good way for students to look up info and or to express info the know, as an evaluation. The teacher could then check their posts for accuracy.

Picasa would allow you to save, view and use photos in the class. It seems alot like flickr, but through google.

igoogle, is a great application, but I really only see it as being useful for the user or the teacher. Relaying the information the teacher the information they want on there google homepage. Again I like it alot especially how customizable it is, just not sure about applying it in a class. 

Maybe somebody else has some tips or possibilities?

Seeyah Next Time,


Wiki Wiki What?

I think that it's interesting that for the most part people can add information at will and thus create a fast easy tool for information. Although there is one fact that people need to consider, the information could be bad or false. That is the one drawback I see for students using wiki apps as resources. 

I think that these sites although mostly credible should not be used as resources. But Most of them have bibliographies which will supply the information that students may want to use. So it is a good source for finding references.

I edited this post just to be funny. So I put in a random false tidbit about an upcoming movie :).


Moodle vs. Blackboard vs. D2L

I think the idea that all companies have is good. But I do like that Moodle is more customizable and free, assuming you have the server and other tools needed to host it. Blackboard on the other hand is rather expensive and less customizable. D2L is cheaper than Blackboard but still not as customizable.

On the other hand Blackboard seems to have more features that can really allow teachers to work on line. While D2L is right behind them. Then theres Moodle which is customizable but doesn't seem to have some of applications of the others like blackboards good document and grading. But it has the potential to be able to modify it so you could possibly have those features.

Overall I'm used to D2L because we use it at SCSU but I do like the modification and customization that Moodle allows, let alone the price and the extra tools Black board offers.


Google Docs vs. Zoho

For me the idea of using a "Microsoft Office" like suite was really weird. But when I began using them I found that both Google Docs adn Zoho provide users with alot of the same tools and features as Microsoft Office. Making it simple and easy to use.

Although, I found Zoho to be more comparible and alot easier for users of Microsoft office. Don't get me wrong Google docs gives you alot of the same toolsbut they aren't set up like word so they are harder to find. It was faster than Zoho, which seemed to be bogged down while I was using it.

But all said and done I think Zoho offers Office converts the most "Office" like experience which makes coping easier, or was it the price that makes it easier. WHO KNOWS



I think Bloglines is a great tool that saves me the hastle of constantly looking for news. It updates every hour and gives me all the top stories.

I can definetly use it to check scores and or information in my personal life. 

For school I can use it to update science news or even Education and Technology news.

Quite Simply, it makes it really easy to view what I want too.
